Java IDE for Grail Development

Choosing the right IDE in java development is important as it will directly impact your development.

following are few famous IDEs available for java

1. Intelli J
2. Eclipse

For me Intelli J only worked if you have ultimate edition. Though I like IntelliJ but Eclipse looks better option for me.

Assuming that JDK is already installed (Please see earlier post related to JDK install for more details)
Assuming that grails is already installed (Please see earlier post related to grails install for more details)

In order to run it with eclipse first download STS

STS installation is a copy paste install

unzip the file and it wil have everything. run sts.exe

   cd %grails_home%
grails integrate-with --eclipse
grails compile
grails download-sources-and-javadocs
grails sts-link-sources-and-javadocs


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